Ep #11 The Learning To Code Trilemma: Cheap, Fast, Good

Anyone can learn to code but most people won't succeed. Why? Because most people give up or run out of time. As Steve Job's said - quitting is the rational thing to do. But that can be fixed once you understand the trilemma. It will set your expectations correctly. Here is the worksheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tlvzQDHx8pRNVbZzNLPGAVGwcABnNL48i8cm1RJp2oU/edit?usp=sharing 👋👋👋 Connect With Me! 👋👋👋 💥 Career Change to Code - FREE Coding Career Strategy Training at https://www.matchfitmastery.com/vsl/1/register 💥 Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/zubinpratap 💥 https://www.instagram.com/zubinpratap/ 💥 Before You Learn To Code -- Where to start? What to do? https://matchfitmastery.com/lifesaver 💥 Podcasts:, Blogs and Resources https://linktr.ee/zubinpratap 💥 Twitter: http://twitter.com/zubinpratap